Farm of the Future
The Greenhouse
Unexpected and totally NEW — an Amish Country Experience your group will long remember! A “futuristic farmer” who happens to be Amish is your host. No horses, no tractors, no soil! But, there are vegetables and spices growing “in the air” on tall towers producing food for a local retirement community.
It’s an amazing story your group hears visiting the greenhouse on their private tour. (This greenhouse is not open to the public except on our exclusive tour.) A step-on guide takes you there, imparting insights into Amish culture along the way.
With only an eighth grade education, the Amish have built a “vertical growing system” of the future, virtually unseen outside of Florida and Disney World. The many towers provide for even growth and are watered every 20 minutes with nutrients.
Your Amish host will explain it all, from the time seeds are “planted” until harvest, as you witness up close the entire operation. The greenhouse will forever change your ideas of farming, Amish or otherwise!
The Amish Dairy Farm
To enhance your experience, a stop at an Amish dairy farm is also included, or booked as a separate reservation. Students will hear first-hand how cows are milked, and the milk kept cool, all without electricity.
This fascinating and educational adventure is ideal for school groups of all ages.
Tours of the greenhouse and Amish dairy farm are available Monday to Saturday, with up to 55 visitors (one bus) at a time. Both locations are handicap accessible.
Allow 3 hours for both.
Schedule a School Tour by calling 717-768-8400 x217.
For more information, email our Group Tour department.