Study Guide
Our 35-page study guide, prepared by a team of master educators, provides seven pages of in-depth examples of how the Total Amish Experience Tour meets many Pennsylvania and other State standards across multiple disciplines and grade levels.
A copy of the extensive guide, with teacher and student sections, will be provided free of charge at educator request upon booking a school trip with us.
The guide provides an introduction, list of study topics, a history of the Amish, pre-trip activities, questions to answer during the visit, and post-trip discussion ideas. Special sections focus on the Martyrs Mirror, Amish districts, plain clothing, one-room schools, the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect, and the horse and buggy. There is also a glossary of terms for teachers and a suggested bibliography.
Materials can be adapted for various grade levels and subject interests. We have seen many school students come with pages in hand, writing the answers to the questions as they participate in their outdoor classroom adventure.
Allow 3-4 hours.
Schedule a Group Tour by calling 717-768-8400 x217.
For more information, email our Group Tour department.